One of my favorite treatments is Direct-bonding for the small defect in an anterior tooth by composite resin with an adhesive system.
I prefer to preserve teeth rather than drilling or tooth extraction. Direct bonding which is based on operative dentistry is esthetic and constructive.
Most importantly, patients are very glad of it.
I think that is because not only there is no sense of losing a tooth but also there is a sense of recovering a tooth.
The patient who comes to the dental clinic with the main complaint of a small chip in the anterior tooth, ordinary wants esthetic restoration.
Now, we can make it as a dentist!
This is not a superior case, conventional, not rare.
Since this is not a case presentation, I will not explain the details.
The following is a list of the dental materials and instruments I used.
FineEtch37; SPIDENT as selective etching at the enamel
Scotchbond Universal;3M ESPE as a bonding agent
Filtek Supreme Ultra A2E, A3B;3M ESPE as composite resin
OptraSculpt Pad;IvoclarVivadent as instrument
Opti1step Polisher; Kerr as finishing and polishing polisher
I didn’t use any other special items.
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