Have you ever heard a voice from heaven? ”In the future, you will not able to eat seafood. Because entire marine life has been contaminated by microplastics.” Microplastics I am pessimistic that microplastics will become a serious environmental problem and will continue to exist for a long time, just like the global warming problem. Since the invention of plastic products, how long have we been using them? And can we suddenly stop using them? The answer is very simple. The microplastic problem will be a long-term battle for the man. As a dentist, I am made aware of microplastics problems when I see kinds of toothpaste that intentionally have microplastics added to them to characterize the product as a scrub. Damn the manufacturers for releasing this crap! The microplastics in toothpaste can trap in the gingival sulcus or periodontal pocket and cause inflammation. It's a shameful story, in Japan, toothpaste containing these microplastics are still being sold. They are not onl...